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Three Social Media Tips that Franchises Need to Market Themselves

Social media is a great way to have your voice heard. Whether it is your haiku on Twitter, your complaints on Facebook, or your dreams on Tumblr, your voice and ideas can be seen and heard by thousands. Some people like the attention, businesses however, could benefit from the attention. Here are three social media tips that franchises need to market themselves:

One way a business can grow is by establishing their voice. Twitter is a good way to establish your voice. Because you are limited on space, you really have to be creative and fit everything that makes this franchise into 140 characters. Hashtags are also a great way to define your voice. They especially helpful in promoting live events that you have and for curating content and updates during live events.

Don’t Be a Stranger

Become a part of the community. No one is going to trust, or rely on a franchise they’ve never heard about. Reach out to other regions to let them know you’re here. Use social media to start-up conversations, reply to people, assure them that your franchise is the best, tell them why. Start getting people engaged in your social media accounts. You can become a curator for interesting things that are occurring in your community and sharing information that other businesses are creating to build these interconnections.

Be Relatable

Nobody wants their franchise to be mundane or boring or just about the facts. You have to be engaging. Give value to your franchise. Share the information that will most likely benefit your audience. Be relatable. Email provides a good way to offer people an inside look at your franchise. It’s a good way to build trust and have customers look at you like people instead of a business. Share tips and tricks that your franchise is known to help with. Remember those hashtags.

By implementing these 3 tips, you can leverage social media and get immense return on your efforts.

Please contact us for more social media marketing tips for your franchise that can be a game changer for your operation.

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