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The Benefits of an Audit with Twitter Marketing

Twitter is a great platform for those who want to create quick, concise messages for their audience. The key to making Twitter an essential part of communication for your brand is by knowing how your posts are impacting your audience. You can find that out with an audit of your Twitter marketing practices. Here are three key benefits of a Twitter audit.

Quality of Your Followers

You may have thousands of followers on your Twitter account, but how many of them are truly being reached by your posts? An audit can provide you with a few statistics on your followers, such as how many followers are inactive, how many are actively engaged on the platform and the followers that are specifically engaged with your content. Once you know this, you can decide who to follow and interact with.

Engagement on Your Posts

The next benefit of an audit is getting to know what kinds of interactions you are getting with each post that you make on your Twitter account. Active engagement is essential for getting your content viewed and starting a conversation with your audience. Knowing whether likes, retweets and comments lead to more profile views and link clicks will help you understand what messages you need to craft in order to keep your audience happy.

Overall Reach

An audit also lets you see the big picture when it comes to your Twitter account. If the quality and consistency of your Twitter posts leads to more retweets and likes from those that are influential in your industry, then you know you have a good strategy. If the audit shows this overall reach is small or nonexistent, you can redefine your strategy to build a bigger, better and more engaged audience for your Twitter posts.

If you are interested in boosting your visibility on Twitter or other social media platforms, please contact us for more information on how we can help.

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