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3 Things you are Doing Wrong on Facebook and How to Fix Them

Facebook is a fantastic tool for businesses of all sizes. However, while it is easy to use, it is also easy to make mistakes along the way. To help make sure you aren't making mistakes, be sure to check out these common items that businesses do on Facebook that they shouldn't. They may just help you be more successful.

Not Filling out Everything

One of the best things about Facebook is that you can share information with your fans and customers. However, when you fail to fill out everything on your page, you are giving up some of this power. You never know which piece of information a potential customer is looking for when they look at your page. For this reason, always fill out everything you possibly can on your information page.

Being Inconsistent

Another huge mistake you can make on Facebook is being inconsistent in your posting schedule. Your fans are yearning for more fabulous posts from you. So, make sure you are supplying them with some. Posting at least a couple of times a week, is the best option and will help keep your business in the forefront of your fans minds.

Having a Bad Cover Photo

Finally, avoid making the mistake of having a bad cover photo. This particular photo takes up a huge portion of your information page, so take advantage of it. Remember, the photo you use should be relevant to your business, promote it in a great way and be high quality.

Naturally, these are just a few of the mistakes you should avoid when you are using Facebook. To make sure you aren't making any other faux pas, be sure to contact us today. We will help you make sure your strategy is up and running correctly and efficiently.

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