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YouTube Analytics: 4 Key Metrics to Note

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet next to Google. That is a big deal when it comes to how you approach your brand's marketing strategy and one that clearly can't be ignored - as it takes a significant amount of effort to create and optimize content for the YouTube platform. When it comes time to start measuring your brand's success on YouTube, there will be four key metrics to pay attention to in order to position your YouTube content for the best possible return on investment for your marketing efforts.

1. Audience Retention & Watch Time

The first helpful metric to note is watch time because it is a large determining factor in how YouTube ranks your video content. This metric is just what it says, a measurement of a videos watch time. While audience retention is useful in gaining perspective on the average percentage of a video that your audience watches, per view.

2. Demographics

This metric will give you information on age and gender. Allowing you to better focus on and understand who your target audience is. From there you can even narrow down the data to geographical location and really start to understand who your content resonates with the most.

3. Traffic Sources

Now for traffic sources, a handy little report that shows you how your viewers are finding you in the first place. This particular data can be helpful in further refining where you promote your YouTube video content across the web.

4. Engagement Reports

Run an engagement report when you're ready to get a full rundown on what your viewers are sharing, promoting, commenting, and clicking on – giving you yet another way to better understand which content your viewers personally enjoy, or find the most value in.

Don't be afraid to crack open the hood and take a look at your YouTube video content performance and data. The more you understand the data available at your fingertips, the sooner you can work on refining your content marketing approach. The YouTube Creator Academy is a wealth of great information to be found in analyzing YouTube metrics.

Your path to a successful brand presence on YouTube could very well start with the team at Crowd Siren. You should contact us now to see how we can help position you for the greatest success on the second largest internet search engine in the world. In the meantime head over to our twitter feed for more news and inspiration.

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