Building a Personal Brand and a Company Brand: Telling Your Back Story and Company Objectives
Building a personal brand and a company brand can be an effective combination when done together during a startup's marketing phase. Your own startup may be on that road right now where getting your brand into the minds of customers is a top endeavor, if perhaps perplexing on where to start. The best path is to focus on the personal side first and then slowly unfold the company brand side.
In the latter case, you'll have to look at your objectives so you can get a clear picture of who you are to shape a distinct vision.
Nurturing Your Personal Brand
In Silicon Valley, there isn't any more prominent brand pusher than Google has been since their founding. When they started, they made us familiar with the founders and what their intended goals were. Since then, it's been all about the forward-thinking tech as their main branding objective. But one important thing to remember about their branding style is they've stayed consistent. They haven't made dramatic changes like many companies do out of fear of being outdated, even with a logo some consider to still be unappealing.
It's that personal angle in the beginning, though, that your own startup should consider first. Telling a back story about where you came from and how you started your business is a good way to establish a personalized angle to your brand that customer appreciate today. This can be conveyed by placing videos on your website as an introduction to those visiting for the first time.
Almost every businessperson has a compelling tale to tell in getting a startup going. Let people know about it, warts and all. It only shows you as human so you can stay that way rather than become a cold corporate entity that's become such a stigma.
Building the Company Brand
A good example of a Silicon Valley company re-branding itself is Meebo that used to be an Instant Messaging service before going in new directions. In more recent years, they've taken a new road in marketing their brand that's made them even more successful. Much of it came from doing intense research into their main objectives and what the key elements are of their brand. This came in understanding their core customer base and what they really wanted.
They're a good template to use in your own company if just getting started or going through the re-branding phase. Just what are your true goals, and what are the true benefits to people in what you offer? Having a complete understanding of who you are and what you're doing is the definitive path to coming up with lucid branding.
Using this method, you'll be able to come up with images, catchphrases, and wordmarks that form a brand people will remember at first sight or mention.
Here at Crowd Siren, we reside in Las Vegas where there's plenty of tech startups going through the branding phase. Regardless, we offer our branding services to anybody, despite the new business renaissance going on in downtown Vegas.
It's why we encourage you to contact us so we can show you the path toward finding your personal and company brand with logic and purpose. When you can fuse both of those branding phases, you have a magic formula that you'll want to stick with for as long as possible.
By: Lauralie Ezra