How to Make Infographics a Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy
If you haven’t heard about them yet, infographics – short for “informational graphics” -- are popular and great ways to get information...

New Media: Why Your Business Needs To Invest In It
Оld Media vs. Νеw Media: First, lеts define thеsе twо terms. Оld media, аlsо called traditional media, іs thе communication channels...

5 Tips On Using Pinterest For Business
Everyone knows that social media is important in any business's marketing strategy. Maybe you want to get into social media marketing,...

Public Relations: Facilitating Expansion and Creating a Brand Name People Recognize
As your company grows, it becomes more and more important to start thinking about public relations as a separate, independent field. ...

4 Mistakes To Avoid On Social Media
A social media presence is essential for any business in today's connected world. Social media sites are exploding in popularity, with...

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Email Marketing Campaigns
With the explosion of online media, sometimes as a business owner it is easy to overlook the capabiltiies of email marketing. When you...

Organic Traffic vs Paid Traffic, and Why You Need Both
There are two main types of search engine traffic, organic and paid. In this article I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of...

Why Social Media Doesn’t Work Unless You Have a Well-Rounded Presence
Many businesses get into social media just because they have to. Everyone else is doing it, and if you don’t, then you’re afraid you’re...

OUTLIER MAGAZINE Podcast "Lauralie Lee Ezra: Getting Started in Entrepreneurship"
Check out our founder, Lauralie Lee Ezra as she discusses her start in entrepreneurship on a podcast for Outlier Magazine. LISTEN HERE

3 Creative Ways To Use Email Marketing: Combining Offers, Not Selling and Considering the Human Fact
A lot has already been said about the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing. The main advantage is that it’s free while the...