Choosing The Right Brand Ambassadors for Your Brand
A brand ambassador is someone that not only loves your product, but knows how to reach out to others who may love your product too. Many...

A Guide for Attracting More YouTube Subscribers
YouTube is one of the most popular platforms on the internet. If your company is not using YouTube in your overall online marketing...

Marketing to Millennials: Interaction Matters
Millennial Marketing When using social media to market to millennials, you can capitalize on their intense Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)....

Repurpose Your Content to Create More Exposure
Every website needs a blog. Content is what drives online searchers to your website. That means loading up your business blog and website...

5 Important Twitter Metrics You Should Be Tracking
With 326 million active users, Twitter is a critical part of any social media marketing strategy. Understanding Twitter analytics lets...

Influencer Marketing vs. Online Media Marketing: The Benefits of Influencer Marketing!
One of the biggest buzzwords in the industry today is "influencer marketing." And while it seems like it's little more than just a...

Are you following? How to become the leader in your industry using social media.
Digital marketing is all about freedom and stability. Traditional marketing practices often lend themselves to creating an environment of...

3 Reasons to Use Social Media for Your Next Event
The success of your event often rides on the buzz you're able to create. The more people talk about the event, the more successful it...

How Social Media is Becoming the New eCommerce for Millennials
Marketing has always been greatly important to a successful business no matter the industry. Whether you are an online retailer...

Why Content Creation is the Most Vital Part of Modern Marketing
As the marketplace becomes increasingly digital, businesses face both a problem and an opportunity. If traditional advertising methods...